Welcome to "Squadron III," the charming radio show that invites you to join three lifelong best friends as they spill the tea, dissect the latest gossip, and dive deep into the world of love and relationships. Maggie, Kelsey and Sydney, inseparable since childhood and sharing the same cozy home, bring their infectious camaraderie to the airwaves. Despite its intriguing war-themed name, this show leaves the battlefield behind, choosing instead to explore the everyday battles of modern life. Tune in to hear these three vivacious women's candid conversations, offering a heartwarming and relatable glimpse into the enduring bonds of friendship, all while sharing their insights on love, laughter, and everything in between.
closeYour one stop shop for a weekly recap/deepdive into the current goings on of the Purdue/West Lafayette Underground music scene!
closeJoin Danny as he dives into all things pop-culture. Listen to music from Billy Joel to Phoebe Bridgers to Penelope Scott, and join in discussions about both popular and niche films, books, television, and online content. A little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing can be found as Danny shares with you his thoughts on popular culture and media.
closeThe Greatest Sports Show of all time (we aren't kidding)
closeWhat started as an inside joke, is now it’s own radio show. Have ZERO expectations when you tune in, because I’m all over the place